Our Rock Shop is Located at
29277 Hwy 28, S Bancroft ,ON
While our website showcases a curated selection, our in-store collection offers a truly vast exploration of the mineral world and it's wonders.
Visit us and experience our calming atmosphere firsthand.
lortone tumblers are back in stock
Looking for rocks for a tumbler? Hoping to find a unique rock geode? How about a jade sculpture or carving? Browse our products to find a unique piece that interest you.
Kawartha Club Show...................................... March 2 - 3
Brantford Club Show....................................... April 6 - 7
Metaphysical Gathering..................................... July 5-7
Sudbury Club Show.......................................... July 19-21
Chainsaw Carving Artists' Show.................... July 26-28
Bancroft Club Show.............................................July 28
Rockhound Gemboree.......................................... Aug 1-4
Rockhound Roundup........................................ Aug 16-18
Kingston Club Show......................................... Oct 25-27
Even our customers think we rock!
Interested in fossils? We are too. Check out our wide selection of items below.
After a fire destroyed our store in 2014, we adapted and rebuilt our store from the ashes.
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