Rockhounding 101
Just the Basics: Getting Started with Rockhounding
also referred to as Mineral Collecting or Recreational Geology
How to get started?
- learn a bit about geology
- get out there and do it
- go out on a group collecting field trip
- join a club
- attend shows
Always practice responsible collecting and adhere to local regulations and guidelines; while respecting the environment and landowners.
Code of Ethics
The following is the Code of Ethics adopted by the Central Canadian Federation of Mineralogical Societies (CCFMS) November 2023. Adherence to this code is expected of all members and should act the code for all Mineral Collectors:
1) I will not collect without permission on private land or land under mineral claim, lease, patent, etc.
2) I will respect site owner’s wishes while on private property (for example, staying away from certain areas, filling in any holes that are dug, etc.)
3) I will, to the best of my ability, keep informed on all legislation and policies governing collecting on private or public lands, and will observe them
4) I will, to the best of my ability, ascertain the boundary lines of property on which I plan to collect
5) I will cause no willful damage to property of any kind (for example, fences, signs, buildings, etc.), and leave all gates as found
6) I will discard no burning material, including cigarettes, while walking or collecting
7) I will light fires only where/when permitted, and will adhere to safe burning practices and/or burn advisories/bans as prescribed by provincial and/or local authorities
8) I will cause no willful damage to collecting areas and material, and if specimens cannot be reasonably extracted, I will leave them in situ for others to enjoy
9) I will take home only what I can reasonably use as a hobby mineral collector
10) I will carry out my own litter; and, if reasonable to do so, remove other litter when found
11) I will co-operate with CCFMS and CCFMS-affiliated club field trip leaders and those designated in authority in all collecting areas
12) I will report to the relevant provincial geologist any geological feature on public lands that should be identified for the enjoyment of future generations for public educational & scientific purposes
13) I will, at all times, conduct myself in a manner that will enhance the public image of rock, mineral, and fossil hobby collectors
14) I will encourage and help new collectors to increase their enjoyment of hobby mineral collecting
15) I will promote appropriate collecting methods, tools, techniques, and procedures that respect the land, specimens, health and safety, and other best practices of hobby mineral collecting.
Mineral Collecting & Ontario Law
Policy: L.P. 701-1
Date Issued: March 25, 2011
As stewards of minerals in the province, the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines recognizes hobby mineral collecting for its recreational and educational benefits to the public as a whole. The
Mineral collecting in Ontario is privilege offered by the Province and is not a right. Hobby mineral collectors have no legal right to collect or extract minerals on Crown land or on land where title, an interest or right is held by a person or company, who is not the mineral collector.
Therefore, the Ministry allows mineral collecting under conditions specified in this policy.
Types of Mineral Collecting
There are two types of mineral collecting recognized by the Crown: hobby mineral collecting, and large scale/commercial mineral collecting. The two types of mineral collecting are distinguished on the basis of a threshold limit, which is explained in the definition section of
Legal Requirement
The Mining Act makes it clear that minerals cannot be extracted or removed without a lease of the mining rights, and compliance with the provisions of Part VII of the Act. Extraction can also be authorized in some cases by the Aggregate Resources Act. However, there is no specific authorization to remove minerals as part of a hobby collection.
Hobby Collecting
Hobby mineral collecting is allowed to the threshold limit, where both surface and mining rights are owned by the Crown and open to mineral collecting.
The requirements, of the Mining Act and the Aggregate Resources Act, will generally not be enforced against hobby mineral collecting.
Threshold Limit
What one person can excavate with hand tools only and can carry unassisted, from a specific site or location. The limit is allowed once per year per site.
Hobby Mineral Collecting
- collection for personal pleasure, recreation, or interest, &
- the amount collected is below the threshold limit, &
- the samples are collected for the collector's personal collection, &
The collector has no intention to sell the minerals collected. Swapping minerals collected as part of hobby collecting is acceptable. This recognizes that swapping is part of a personal collection.
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